Principal's Message

Welcome to our Portage High School website. It has been my honor to serve the Portage Township School Community as Principal for the past two years.
My vision for Portage High School is to continue to improve on a school environment where students feel safe, comfortable, challenged and engaged in class, whether it’s in school or learning through virtual means. We’re proud of our teaching staff and we want them to feel supported as they provide synchronous instruction in a time when doing so can be extremely challenging for both teacher and student. We also understand that this is a trying time for parents and guardians as we continue to operate in a manner very different from years past. I want to express my sincere appreciation for all that you have done to support your students and our school district during this time and working with us as we continue to make adjustments based on advice from our health professionals both nationally and locally.
Research shows that the most important variable in a student’s success in school is the parents’ involvement in their child’s education. Please talk with your children everyday about what’s going on with their schoolwork and check to see that it has been completed. Additionally, please check your child’s grades and attendance regularly through PowerSchool. If you’re not sure or if you are having difficulty navigating the PowerSchool system, contact us and we will assist you. Please stay in touch with and communicate often with your child’s teachers through email or by telephone. If you have questions about anything, please contact us as we would like to know how we can best meet the needs of your children.
We’re hopeful that through continued social distancing and advancement in medicine, our families can feel confident that our children can return to a more inclusive learning environment that supports both academic achievement and social-emotional development.
We look forward to accomplishing our mission of Educating, Empowering and Inspiring Excellence in our students at Portage High School. As stated in a famous ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”. I ask that you continue to maintain this partnership with us as we want nothing less than success for our students.
Let’s finish the year strong and Go Indians!
Mike Stills